Friday, August 13, 2010

14 Questions

Saw this Q/A floating around blogland, so I thought I would take my turn...

1. What is your favorite TV show on right now?

I always watch So You Think You Can Dance, I have recently started watching Boston Med. I usually have Rachel Ray, and Dr. Oz in the background during naptime.

2. How often do you sweep/mop your floors?

I sweep every night and I mop once a week using a Swifter Wet Jet (BTW- the Swifter Wet Jet is the best invention ever)

3. Do you hate it when you can't walk barefoot on said floors because you obviously haven't swept often enough?

Yes, and my husband hates it too.

4. Do you have a cleaning schedule? If so, what is it? If not, how do you keep from your house being trashed 24/7, or do you care?

Yes, I have a cleaning schedule (is anyone really surprised?)

Mon.-Dust/ clean out refrigerator
Wed.- vaccum
Thurs.- mop floors
Fri.- laundry/ pick up for the weekend

I don't do anything on the weekends because it seems impossible with my husband home. I clean the kitchen and do a load of dishes in the dishwasher everynight after dinner. My house is not very big, so I could get everything done in one day during naptime if I wanted to, but this way I only spend a little time everyday cleaning. I usually try to pick up toys everynight after the girls go to bed.

5. How many loads of laundry do you do in a week?

I usually do about 4-5 loads on Fridays, but I also do a load of towels every other day.

6. What is your all time favorite meal to cook?

Hmmmmm..... anything for breakfast. Eggs, pancakes, french Toast, omlettes, breakfast burritoes..

7. Are you reading any books right now?

Just finished reading Twilight... yea, I'm hooked :)

8. What are you most excited about this Fall?


Allie will be walking soon, so I am excited to see how she and Gracie are going to interact. We are also going to Seaworld in October and I am really excited about that!!

9. What's your favorite Sonic drink?

Cherry Vanilla Coke

10. Why do you/don't you blog?

There is something very therapeutic about putting my business out there and thinking that other people read it.... not that anybody does. It is also a great way to brag about my kids without actually having to brag about them :)

11. Do you grow your own herbs? How would one go about getting started if they wanted to?


12. What's your best money saving tip?

Make a budget for your income and read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.

13. What is the most treasured toy in your house right now?

Gracie's lovee "Puppy". They are best friends and I don't know what we would do if we lost him :(                             (We've had a few scares before!!)

14. If you had to rent a movie tonight (newish release), what would it be?
We have the blockbuster version of Netflix, so we always have movies in our house to watch. I want to see Date Night, Twilight, and Switch.
Ok, your turn....

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