Thursday, September 22, 2011

K is for kisses.....and other random school stuff:)

Since the return from our wonderful vacation we have been getting back to school and Gracie is really getting into it again! We do our school time on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and I have been able to keep their focus and attention for about two hours each day!! I find that during the course of our "school time" it is really hard for me to snap pictures because the girls move so fast! Here are a couple I was able to get in the last two weeks....

We picked up where we left off with the letter J. Our bible verse was: "Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6

I tried to get Gracie to make the letter J with her play-doh, but she insisted on making a birthday cake for Jesus instead, complete with candles and the birthday song:)

so I made the letter J and covered it with jewels myself:)
we even got technologically savy and hooked up the computer to the TV so we could do Starfall on the big screen.

matching jellybeans with the corresponding color

This week we focused on the letter K, our bible verse was: "Keep your tongue from evil" - Psalm 34:13 (I have to repeat this to my kids MANY times a day!)

Some of our letter K books

Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions.
-Mark Twain

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Little Swimmers

 Gracie has been doing swim lessons since the beginning of the summer and has made absolutely no, a little progress in overcoming her fears of the water:) Since being on vacation with Allie in the water for a week, we discovered that she has NO fear of the water and it is probably time for her to learn how to swim too.
** (When I say NO fear, I mean it......she actually jumped in the pool by herself with no floaties on when I had my back turned on her......for real.......SCARY!!!)
The girls had their first lesson together this morning and they both LOVED it, I think it even helped with Gracie's anxiety a little bit to have Allie in the water with her:)

Here is Allie waiting patiently for her turn:)

Can somebody tell me where my babies went and how I can get them back???

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Destin 2011- Part 3

Family Pictures

I'm not sure if Chuck was trying to kiss me or lick my face......

We had such a fun vacation, can't wait to go back!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Destin 2011- Part 2

After spending the days at the beach, we worked up and appetite for a late evening snack just about every night:)

These first three pictures are from the first night we got to Destin and T.S. Lee was coming in. We tried to go to an ice cream stand, but the wind was so strong that we ended up getting our ice cream and running to the truck before we got blown over! The girls thought it was hilarious, HA!

Of course, everytime the light was on we HAD to stop:) By the end of the week my pants were fitting pretty tight, thank you very much Krispy Kreme:)

One night we ate at Fudpucker's, a restaurant with live gators that you can feed.

More ice cream:)

We also ate at McGuires Irish Pub, coolest place EVER!! The waitress said that they have well over a million dollars hanging from the ceilings and walls.

Allie's wind-blown hair:)
Snuggling before bed
Lots of good food, but I was glad to get back to the gym this morning!