Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Letter P

Letter: Pp
P is for praises, pumpkins, and penguins
Bible Verse:
 "Praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises to our God."
Psalm 147: 1
color: pink
number: 7

(We skipped over the letter Oo for now so that we could do Pp for pumpkins, since it was so close to Halloween:)

Our bible verse talked about singing and giving praises to God. We talked about different ways we can praise God (singing, dancing, praying, serving and helping others, etc.), and we talked about how God gives us each special "talents"(things we can do really well) and we use those talents to praise him. We also talked about how we praise God when we are happy, but the bible also teaches us to praise him when we are sad or angry.

We colored these music notes with two different colors and made a long pattern. Gracie was really interested in the music notes and now she points them out every time she sees them in a book or anywhere else
(hmmmmmm.....future instrument player??? Is it bad to say that I really hope not??)

Pumpkin time!

These were supposed to be happy faces, things never turn out like I plan:)

For this activity, I was drawing a face on a pumpkin and they had to try and match the face using their felt pieces, Gracie LOVED it, Allie just loved taking the pieces on and off.

After we were finished, I let the girls draw on the pumpkin with the dry-erase marker. Allie went first and did this......

Then Gracie did this....

Then Allie tried again and did this....
yep, that's a face!! Just one of the MANY advantages of a multi-age learning environment:)

5 Little Pumpkins

Love this!

Allie was so upset because before nap time I told her we would go outside and plant some pumpkin seeds in the backyard when she woke up, but it started raining so we had to play inside...... soooooo sad:(

Gracie has decided that the best place to play non-sister friendly games is on her bed right before bedtime. I found this old dry-erase board for her to put on her bed and do puzzles and games or draw on, it works great!

Doing the bean-bag boogie:)

P is for Penguin

Oh, how I love her little 2 year old mind:)

I can't end this post about praise without mentioning something that has been on my heart for the past couple of days. I have asked many of you to help me pray for my sweet cousin Brandi and her family. Her precious little girl, Avery Kate, went to be with the Lord last Wednesday at only 2.5 months old. I can't even begin to imagine the pain, grief, and sorrow that their family is feeling right now, but over these past couple of days, I have seen a woman who truly understands the meaning of praise. I can only imagine the questions she has for God, and I'm sure she is wondering "why me"? Throughout this nightmare, she is choosing to praise God and trusting that He has a plan and a purpose in all of this. She is choosing to thank him for sending Avery to her, if only for a short while, and she is choosing to trust in him that he will see her through it. I would like to say that I would handle this heartbreaking situation with the same strength and faith that she has shown, but the truth is, I can't even let my mind go there because it hurts too bad to even think of losing one of my children. Please, stop right now and say a little prayer for Brandi and her family. Maybe if we all lift her up together we can ease the pain, if only for a minute. Now, GET OFF THE COMPUTER and go spend some time with the people you love, hug them, kiss them, and teach them about Jesus. We are never promised another minute, another hour, or another day. We are promised THIS MOMENT, so live in it!

Brandi- You are truly an inspiration to so many people. You inspire me to be a better mother, but most of all, you make me proud to be a believer in Jesus. I am praying so hard for you, and I know God is covering you with his strength and healing.

 I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
~Casting Crowns

Please, please keep this precious family in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful baby girl. My heart breaks for your family...so so sad. We may never know why things like this happen but we have to trust God's plan. He has our best in mind even when circumstances seem otherwise. Praying for y'all.
