Friday, November 12, 2010

Let the (coupon) games begin....

I admit, I have always been obsessed with coupons. I thought I was saving a ton of money just using coupons until I met this lady. I went with some friends to her "Time is Money" coupon workshop on Wednesday night where she shared her tips and tricks to getting the most out of your money using coupons, store credits, sales, etc. I was SHOCKED at the amount of money that is out there to be saved if you put a little time and effort into planning your shopping. So, with my new enlightenment, I planned a little shopping trip to Walgreens to see how much I could save......

3 bottles Garnier Fructis Shampoo-$3.39 each (sale price)
2 bottles Garnier Fructis Conditioner- $3.39 each  (sale price)
2 Degree Deoderant- 2 for $5.00 (sale price)
1 package Huggies Pull-Ups- $7.99 (sale price)
1 Reach Floss- .99 (sale price)
1 4ct. Schick Razors-$ 5.99 (sale price)
2 Colgate Total Toothpastes- $4.29 (sale price + Buy One get one free)
2 Colgate Toothbrushes-$ 2.00 each (sale price)
1 Axe body wash- $3.99 (sale price)

Let me do the math for you.....

If I had bought all this merchandise with just the sale prices, the total comes out to $53.49, I paid..... $30.19, thats $23.49 in savings!! Yea!! ! I think that is pretty good for my first time using all the new tips/tricks we learned! I would have saved a lot more if I would have had more coupons to use, but since I just started getting them again (and I have thrown some away that I thought I wouldn't use, but I could have used them), I didn't have as many as I could have. It is now going to be my mission to see how much I can save each week!!

Here are some useful resources we learned about if you want to get started playing the "coupon game"

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