Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letter Qq

Letter: Qq
Bible Story: Adam and Eve
Bible Verse: "God created man kind in His image"

We have been working on this/ these units for about 3 weeks now because of spring break and other stuff we had going on......I'm sooo ready to move on!!

You can't really tell, but she actually was making her own pattern here..... flower, butterfly......!

I have to brag on my little girl a bit....
As we were looking at these letter Q pictures and came to the queen, she asked me "mom, is this Queen Esther like in your book?" (I am doing the Esther study by Beth Moore and she saw the work book on my night stand and asked about it one morning) So I started telling her the story about Queen Esther and she was so in to it that she went and got her bible and made me find the story for her!

Thank you G-Maw, this stuff is so fun!

Q is for Queen Esther's castle:)
I can't remember who got this for Gracie for her birthday, but she LOVED putting it together!! (thank you, I am sooo horrible about writing thank you notes:)

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1 comment:

  1. What children's bible is that? I know it's a little early to get one for Camryn right now but that time will be here before I know it.
