Since the return from our wonderful vacation we have been getting back to school and Gracie is really getting into it again! We do our school time on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and I have been able to keep their focus and attention for about two hours each day!! I find that during the course of our "school time" it is really hard for me to snap pictures because the girls move so fast! Here are a couple I was able to get in the last two weeks....
We picked up where we left off with the letter J. Our bible verse was: "Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6
I tried to get Gracie to make the letter J with her play-doh, but she insisted on making a birthday cake for Jesus instead, complete with candles and the birthday song:)
so I made the letter J and covered it with jewels myself:)
we even got technologically savy and hooked up the computer to the TV so we could do Starfall on the big screen.
matching jellybeans with the corresponding color
This week we focused on the letter K, our bible verse was: "Keep your tongue from evil" - Psalm 34:13 (I have to repeat this to my kids MANY times a day!)
Some of our letter K books
Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions.
-Mark Twain