Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back at it- Letter O

We are FINALLY back into the swing of things, and we had a great 2 weeks of learning!

Letter- Oo
Number- 9
color- orange
Bible story- the story of creation
Bible verse-
 "God saw all that he had made, and it was good"
Genesis 1:31

I switched things up a little bit and added a bible story to the weeks activities, instead of just a verse that goes along with each letter. I found that I wasn't going as in depth as I wanted to with just the bible verses, and that is really where I want the focus to be. Now, our verse goes along with the bible story, and although it doesn't start with the focus letter, it works just fine:) I feel like I am organized enough that we even let little sister back in for a few different activities.

I saw an idea for a weekly "notebook" on 1+1+1=1 and I made the girls each one with age appropriate activities inside that can be easily switched out, they loved them!

Don't you just love those heart shirts??? Found the idea from the Parent's magazine, SUPER easy craft!

I can't believe it's already February!! Lot's to do this month, including a special some one's fourth birthday!
 Here is a sneak peak at her theme:

If you have or know a little girl, I'm sure you know what that is!

**visit these other great blogs to find many of the activities I use for my lessons and more!!:

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